RW Russell Winds
6768 Frontier Road
Winneconne, Wisconsin
About Brian
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Where We Are
Greenhoe Svc.
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Links-Supporting Sites:
Straubinger Flutes
Charlie's Brass Works
Greenhoe Trombones
Central County Flyers
Bugatti Atlantic Project

Wind Instrument Repair and Modification by Brian Russell (Authorized Service for Greenhoe Trombones)

Welcome to Russell Winds, the band instrument repair shop of Brian Russell, and your source for maintenance, repair, and modifications on wind instruments of all descriptions. Our location in the town of Winneconne is convenient to Oshkosh, Omro, Neenah, Menasha, and Appleton.

Musical instruments have delicate components that benefit from regular maintenance. Whether it be an ultrasonic cleaning for your brasswind (trumpet, horn, trombone, euphonium, tuba), routine mechanism adjustment for your woodwind (flute, clarinet, saxophone, oboe, bassoon), customization, repad, mechanical overhaul, or major body repair, I am well equipped and capable of providing the service you need.

ytView a video about the Left Hand Saxophone.

Russell Winds Shop

Straubinger certified


Brian Russell
6768 Frontier Rd.
Winneconne, WI 54986-9671

Phone: 920-582-3237


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